Poe How To Respec Ascendancy (2024)

So, you've been traversing the mystical world of Path of Exile, honing your skills, and mastering your chosen Ascendancy class. But what if you've made a few choices along the way that you now regret? Fear not, fellow exile, for the art of respeccing your Ascendancy points is within your grasp. In this guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of respeccing your Poe Ascendancy, empowering you to realign your character's path without starting from scratch.

Understanding Ascendancy

Before we dive into the process of respeccing, let's take a moment to understand what Ascendancy entails. In Path of Exile, Ascendancy classes serve as specialized subclasses, offering unique passive skill trees and powerful Ascendancy points. These points grant significant bonuses and define your character's playstyle.

The Need for Respec

As you progress through the game, experimenting with different builds and strategies is part of the journey. However, sometimes you may find that your initial choices no longer suit your playstyle or build goals. This is where the option to respec your Ascendancy points becomes invaluable.

Respec Methods

Path of Exile provides several avenues for respeccing your Ascendancy points, each with its own requirements and limitations:

Orb of Regret

The simplest method involves using an Orb of Regret, a currency item that grants a passive skill refund point when consumed. While this option allows for individual point reallocation, it can become costly if significant changes are needed.

The Eternal Labyrinth

For those seeking a more comprehensive respec, completing the Eternal Labyrinth offers a one-time opportunity to refund all Ascendancy points. This challenging trial demands mastery of its traps and puzzles but rewards with a clean slate for your character's progression.

Ascendancy Reassignment

In certain leagues or special events, Path of Exile may introduce mechanics allowing for Ascendancy reassignment. Keep an eye out for these opportunities, as they provide unique chances to reshape your character's destiny.

Planning Your Respec

Before diving into the respec process, it's essential to have a clear understanding of your desired build and playstyle. Take the time to plan out your new Ascendancy path, considering your character's strengths, weaknesses, and long-term goals. Researching successful builds and consulting with experienced players can provide valuable insights.

Execution and Considerations

Once you've formulated your respec plan, it's time to put it into action. Whether using Orbs of Regret or tackling the Eternal Labyrinth, proceed methodically to ensure a smooth transition. Keep in mind any prerequisites or limitations associated with your chosen respec method, and be prepared to adapt as needed.


Respeccing your Poe Ascendancy opens up a world of possibilities, allowing you to adapt and evolve your character to meet new challenges. By understanding the various respec methods and planning your path carefully, you can redefine your character's destiny without starting from square one. So embrace the journey, fellow exile, and forge ahead with confidence!


1. Can I respec individual Ascendancy points, or do I have to reset them all at once?

While using Orbs of Regret allows for individual point reallocation, completing the Eternal Labyrinth resets all Ascendancy points at once.

2. Are there any limitations to how often I can respec my Ascendancy points?

No strict limitations exist, but the availability of Orbs of Regret and access to the Eternal Labyrinth may vary based on your progression and league mechanics.

3. Will respeccing my Ascendancy affect my character's level or progress in any way?

No, respeccing your Ascendancy only affects your passive skill tree and Ascendancy points. Your character's level and progress remain unchanged.

4. Can I respec my Ascendancy points multiple times to try out different builds?

Yes, you can respec your Ascendancy points as many times as needed to experiment with different builds and playstyles.

5. What happens if I respec my Ascendancy points and later decide to revert to my original choices?

If you regret your respec decision, you can use Orbs of Regret or complete the Eternal Labyrinth again to reallocate your Ascendancy points back to their original state.

Poe How To Respec Ascendancy (2024)
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