News Herald from Port Clinton, Ohio (2024)

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SLAIS ahd fakts I 1 4 1 I 'it JOB MINTING DONR AT' KIIS OTTO bHUitfaCkalitlMrfuyoUierPipir VOL IB No 49: 'POElc*ntON 6iIOj MAitCII 6 1880 No TCftXS M00 or Yepr la advisee Work Prim' ADVERTISE Iff THE 7 OTTAWA (XX NEWS I MiW fifK ef TewanadCeunty- TBATBLXRS' XXaXBTBX Iskt Mmcs ft Wchtau SontlurR COUNTY DHUMTMLT JoS XlMur niiaouR-itiM ur lUilfNIntn Otiai obatdrTh mhk PiOBIUOTIVU attobbsy-haw Pall attoatiop to Be berk immense stock' of spring goods has Just been fscsrtalned that Snsan ntbony ta -opposed to a third teagwj Bhe seems to be retaining her natural gool IP- Monday last the neoeaaary pa peri wen filed with the BeoreUuy of Stale for tho tuOorpoiwlonof tho Martin Driving1 Park Company of Martin thta county The capital stock ta giMX) la hta of $10 each OR Poet and other ara named aa ineorpofaton --Sorno wrilar In tha weekly Tribune ta Ifarmlng the Jackets of Samhiaky politician! in a lively manner The Register and Rush Sloan accuae Clark Wagoner onr diatriet lolsraal Revenue Agent with the authorship of tlio sprightly letters and In turn call him old hyoecrile" Th Women's Christian Temperance Union of Ottawa County Will hold a County Convenlioni at-Fort Clinton on the 18th nnd JOthpf March 1880 to which all temporanoe organisations In Uie oounty are requested to send -delegatee and the public generally an invited to attend villaga officers ta be elected this spring are Mayor Clerk Marshal Traaa-nrer three Councilpien odd one Gemstry Trustee Two luembera of the school board will also be eleqtedand In the town the offices are to be filled including one Justice of the Peade Ii will be a very full ticket Speaking of-tha fact that the little steamer Golden Eagle has ran every month to the islands during tbs winter season tho Sandusky Register say mamory of the eldest inhabitant ranneth to the time when steamboats heretofore ploughed llie waters of Lsks Erie-durlfig every month of the year do crimln bnaloess up with nealnosrand'despatck 1st Norwalk Last FHdty night Cartrite found a burglar fn hla houae Ilia wife brought him a revolver and hr held the burglar pit bay until at officer arrived The next day the crackaman was indicted had bta trial and was sentenced to three years in the 0 -The Lake Shore rail way company are cribbing each side of their track across the Sandusky bay and filling In wijh stone a aa to inake a solid track all the way oyer except a few thousand feet which will bo bridged and-kept open Jor navigation Large' quantities of timber are dressed at thta- place and conveyed to too b'ty for eribbiiig purposes Ike Gillespie's new steamboat notr In procMi of construction at Couche'ideck in this village will bo -hutched in about two weeks The hall ta over eighty long qultek wide and fiat-bottomed ta a side-wheeler amwill be Worked wlthiairt engines The host will probably ply this manner between Sandusky City sod Italee bpndjn tha timber trade though there la nothing 'defin(Jxt the Jack's masquerade last Saturday night was a'hrilliant affair and waa Wall patroniied-Tha manager elaima lie wae- maaqned 'and in the room twice and while he was away preparing to peraenate another character Shoemaker aent hla company hema: So it would appenr llie atatemCfit dreuiated that-Jack came to time waa a tart id by aems one who hadn't token all ther facts' into cbnsidere-ton V- Lake Shore railway men thia week all Wore a ohearfnl-expression on -their countenance Tb'e reaoon can be ax plained In a few worda Prealdent Vanderbilt has lamed general order raatoring their wacaa to the ratea paid prlor tohe Ufefcthr BJCORDlR-titetM 0 Trie BOSTI JtTBYOB-Srast fiut OOBONBB-DBHaaAiax OOMMUMIORIKB John lilmn tak Mb aad tebabow 1 IB riBlf ABT DIXXCTOBS-tQ ricMrd CITY P1BBCTOBY Ocott ft Clerk fLUK-hUBMl VllMt fSlAIUBBB-a Halleri Nnri Htuaa Rattteh Halllaibaa Baary Qaeda Matthwaafga A RIIm had liawU Hackay Caaaallaiaattap aaaadad BaartkYBaaday maloti af aacb swath CI8BCK D1BBCTORY XBTHODIST RnSOOPAL CHURCH jbARBATB Baaday School Bam Pablla Wenhla UM A aad TM Ola Boalaty MaaUay at 4 JaiM raopla'a Prayar BaaUaff Yiaadap at aaaral Prayar BaaUag Thimdua all TM pja Ail Uuaa aarfteaa ara fraa ta all Tha pablla aiaaardially lari lad BUSINESS DIRECTORY JOH JAM Attorry and Comawllor Law Will pnetiea la Coarta of Rrla aad Ottawa aoaatiaa OMca lit Colanba Aanaa aadaaky Waat alda drat atalrway Barth bf Karkat atraat arar Bitter! atora mROBia Attoraay-at-Law aad A Xataiy Pablla ORoa at Ceart-boua orar Aadltar'a aSaa Part Cllataa Ohio KELLY Attt JARatarr Pablla OBeala blaak Xadbaa atraat Part Cllal ttwaay-i In Jacobi Cllaya at-Law- aad aadpayaab Ohio maOMAB A Uoruy-ot-Law aad A -Notary Pablla All laeal baaiaaaa will' baaalva premat attaatloa OSee ea (tha fwatatUa Part Cllataa Ohio- mV OILLARD Bemaapathle Phyaletaa id Baryawa UBea arar PaataBea Port OEatoa Ohio 75 CHARLES STARR Attornoy at Law and Notary Public Maaaaaaar ta Btarr-Patter A Ca aad --Btar A Patted) "Port Clinton Ohio -Abatraala aadOflaiaaa Title Daada aad Earigapd VadA Rad Batata Bought and Bold ta all Aba treat Baaka -'Plata aad Pep ara of tha Alra aad will promptly attaad ta LAW OOLLRCTIOX aad ABSTRACT Bahama 1 Cfllaa: Third treat Conn Honan WBSLOAJf A TTORXRT AT LAW Xetary Pabllar Real A Batata Agaat aad Ualtad Stairs Comiata-bdaaar Part Cllataa Ohio Prompt eRsatloa paid 'bs baaiaaaa la Plata aad Ualtad Sletaa Caarta JRHAOWDB at Law aad Xetary FabUe Part Cllataa RanaadsaJU real artaU Large ttacbof bad aad faara Iota far aala Atiafaay aad Caaaaalar iblie Part Cllataa Ohio good ZLNO Attsrnay at Law at Rlmara Ohio baya add aalb real estate aad bManda to geasral law baalasM 457-ly Attoraay-at-Law aad Jaatieo el Qy ha Paaaa -OflUa la Tawa Hall Port CTWtaaOhlo Jof CARTRXgnutom OfeaWa eotiaty 1 Ohio AUCTIOXRRR aad OOLLKCTOR Balsa ara sriad la aay part of the eoaaty oa the Maat rsaseaebla terms Speaks bath Osraua aad Bag lleb-Csa ary aad act -elerh of aalea at Xrtd withoat extra cbaiga 8 A KAOBUDBR COil BAlrK' Port Ohio Aathorlaad capital 1100000 A Raah of Diacaaat' Deposit aad Rxehaaga Arafla for aala aa Raw Yarh aad Toledo aad all aria el pal el ties la lutope Ooraramant Bonds yeipoaa aad geld aad allrar bought aad sold at bairaat aaarkat rataa Prompt pOanttoa glrea to -OaUaetiaaa Araaey Hambnrg-Aaurlcaa Packet aaaay BaaklahHirntMto 11a aad 1 to Wv OatrM? rt: aatnt a-R Xaaavaaa 480-ly if ABO XBTBR aaaafactarar aad wholaaUa -V ad retail dealer la el gars amokiag aad tha pablla gaaaraHy to Obawlag tabaccs larltaa waarla i mlad that tkay eaaaat pmrekaaa alaaarharo lu goad a brapd of cl gars for tha aamamoaay a he la aow toady ta (apply tha market with Address year ordsrs Gao karaa Port Cllatoa Ottawaeamaty Ohio Ill CHAPIlf Klmora0 apaeml agaat for fta Pkaalx Iaaaraaco aborapra-aaata Ua Imperial Xorth BrltlaliA XartsaaUla Aba BHdfy lXamaCoatiBsotalaadmaarbthar trat- HiF rXN BfcWS' OQlIBBaPoHPBBCB As ttabsaSBlNM tdlit When a myrieriotta and nnaooeuntable duih ooonn In a eompuntiy lu eUtasua ara abxloueto ttnfalhom the mystsry sod to remove any ektatibg circUrastaheea of aa unnaisral oharactaf surround lug such destii True a degtu at eurioslty is awakened not Infrequently accompanied by groat ekdlemut and the questiooa are at onoo propounded -wu thta death caused by a sodden Vlsltattoqaf lYuvtdencof Wultbyknalf-destroylngbaadf Wult by the hand of the murderer Throe fool tags were Invoked ahd time InterrogaUoiis oft ropwtisd oa lha list of May 1878 la the beautiful olty'af Fremont when tho dud body of stranger Wu found Within Us llmlta wllh a ballot bale lu hta heed from which tha life blood eoaod slowly presenting a' ghastly spectacle Who wm thta tnngtfT Ilew metbe his death The Questions can only baahawend by a Jrtef htatory of tha facts blou obtained and now being varified la a court of Jua-tice Lata last fall a young woman named Mary Eteenbels wu arrested for robbing her aged mother of sixty doilhrsn snort -time after being Incarcerated In the county Jail she -divulged certain secrete that through the instrumentality of detective Nerrta and Prosecuting Attorney Carver tod to the arrest of 'dr Welsh notorious character and Andrew Koebel a butcher oft Fremont who ware amsled and charged With tha crime of murdering the unknown man' whose body had ben dlacovetad eighteen months before They hid a preliminary examination before Mayor Bell on Wed neaday pec Bd 1879 at wMch'Jffakh wu com milled to await tho action of the grand Jury which body in Mm proper time -iudlcted him and nlu Koebel aad Mery Etaeubeta The identity of the murderod man wu rotnbltahed through special sent by tbn writer of this report' to the Pittsburg Dispatch which reached the eye of tho widow of the deemed whose name wu Anthony CoUreoker a taltor hy trada wha-rrolded taUreansburgrWastmoraland county Pa and who toft his hom*o early In May 1888 ia search of location wherein to establish hlmulf In buataeas Mary Etaubeta' wu vary lotimate with' Welsh In fact she avers that he Induced -her to stool the money from ber mother propililng to expend it In Celebrating their mintage Instead of which he obtained' poueslou of the money nod went en a grand spree' not only forgetting the girt whom be had promteod to many aad who 1 wu Ihea languishing In Jail but squaa- dared portion the 111-gotten gain upon dluolnto woman Kaewing thou things Is there any wonder timUiis dta- qsrded-ehd disgraced asaoeikta rovealad the knowledge of tha murdar -Whloh ha bad Imparted toherf fold the story that will go far towards hsnglhg her faith tau lover if he is profsu- guilty She gave tha ftril drijdta jrrom tbe oouoooting of tim'MpSlpatratlonwf tha dsad And thua jbe euq stood upt the flraV day wf the trial Monday March lsL At lA0 Monday tha Court a( Common Pleau ef Sandusky eoUaty wan formaly opened and after the ordinary buslnau of tho first day of eottri the work of empannelltng a Jhry In the eau of UM State of Ohio iqptinst John Wsldh for the murder -of Anthony Cottrecker The rourt adjouriied at five o'clock without a tingle Jtirorbeing finally choaep i WtheiooxD day Ceurt opened at 9 rnriod the effipaa1 neltag of theJury wu teadmed bad oca tinned until 9 Tuesday whdu a -spadnl venire wM demuided by the je- feqeetokeep the pennel of '88 foil end-court adjeunad ponding the getting to-1 gather of tita new JuroreV Up to noon Wedneedby the Jury had hothtim cho*ra Mre Cottraoker widow of murdered men arrived from Qroeoeburg Pa: Mop day niglit ooeompnntod'by Sheriff firolin-of Weetmonland county and the man fof jtbom 'tbe deoeued- lut worked at hta' trada etao the clerk of tboTmteTarPlthH burgh wharo tbeeouple speuttbeir hooey moon lu October 1877i- The taking 'of testimony will probably not eodmieneo' nntll Thuraday ''Bioxa fJ' i 'i i if a 41 Meoro The ngular' monthly muting wtil he held-in Detlefk'Hkll oa Bnnday aflerneoa next at o'clock sad coastal pf the'followhg progratnmaj Binging riadlng soAiKaMs and Original oration Rhors Redtations am idying Berlin Kelly Bossta'a i' work" Dallta Andrews: Mary Dow" Hal tla Bhnth" day "Nellie Gill know tag On Pledger i dyiag Gertie Nrgtoo ooUags oene7Addie kind to loved ones at xewto:" 'Bupday hymns will bo -ihtarapersed through 1 -The muriowill boundar tiM dlraotiou of Mr Termer -rOoamaoUng ou the prftloii aeat to timLegtatatureprayinfftostoeMoptioa tow tirn Bpnditaky'Regtater roifi'-f' doubt' If one Voter In five lu the ffhfie would knowingly uk the Legtalatura ASJadg(d IbsooO ll(ea weeks agn the NnwAptibilAma an ftgm of young Both of Gsiroll during nTt-Rev Miller of iGbDak Hhfif it Chnrob at the Wane! of Ida bode A It Llmlley Yoang Undley Urns brnUght befa oa Monday of this wask sUd Was adjudged Insane by Uie Probate Court uu the teatimony of 6UhshoV Alfred Runhar and Joseph Whitehead and on the medical teatimony ofDf Ei Biilahridget Whllr waiting for the result of na application to have him admltUkl to an AsylUmk fUndley hu been confined In odr Uottniy Jallt raVidg in' a moat 'violent manner tearing Ids clothes from -bta body and poling In Uio wildest manner so that It heesms necessary to hand-cuff him Tho ban to quite sad one and the young mta ta pitied by all who era him' A and Henry Vd tieldudled lnkltoepilKl to the city of Toledo on Turaday last aged St yurs 11 mootiu and 89 dnye Thp deceased war Iiorn in the province of Sclileaarig-Aolaleia anti emigrated to tlio United Statu In 1877 touting in this village' In the old country hli parents were1 dtallngutabad people ahd tho young man wu not accustomed' to UiauUal labor but on arriving hero he found It necessary to accept such- labor hi wu offered him hta tack of knowledge of Ilia English language preventing lilm from seeking a situation wlapted to" Ida delicate organisation lie commenced work farm hand and labored with aucli Industry and fidelity Uiat his memory Is pvend by all hta aaeocl-steafoelbe irjata and hardships ha ondund Recently he wu engaged In ditching near the Sandusky bay and when ha rethrnsd hen lie Complained of being quits wuk and of-suffering intensely lie waa engaged to marry Mta Metis Bolto etater-ln-taw of Geot-gn Meyers most estimable young German girl and had taken out mdrringe license for the wedding but -wu ndvtaed to consult a physician abput hta ailments befora lhe ceremony barperfdmqffrlTfweflriDToledirtwo weeks ago to see a phyhtplan and wu there advised to go lo the hospital for treatment Ota whole system appeared greatly stuttered produced by overwork and wu not strong enough to rally front its effects A few dnye beforq hla death hta bcTrtfhed visited binS to ilia hoapital and ha spokf hopefully and showed a strong dclsfmina-tion to recover hut Jt- wu plain that- he wu fait sinking beyond hope On Tuu- day Mr Meyer rocaived a dispatch that be waa'denil and immediately went to Toledo and had lha remains brought hen far intermeut The funeral took plane Wed nibday and waa largely attended by many friends who wilVnot forget tlieiaemory of the blight Intelllgept young stranger who died ao earnestly fighting the buttle of lffo He wpo buried In thaxlothlof prepared for bis-wedding A Chaafcg'toontnMtqr A County Commisalonar at times ha the very heat opportunity of etudying what is called In the aettae of! tba term generally haeil to designate an Impudent Individual devoid of Conscience and desirous of-Jieoomlng rich by charging for services never randend A specimen of the genus hom*o appeared before the Commissioner of this Vranty thta week to the parson of one Wm H' Murphy of Ovelnd-tlle om tractor on the anhetract-nra work 'of tho bridge recently bnllt at Oak Htarber Our renders will romembe how the work of -jjdeythan wu delayed long after the expiration of bta eqntract snd lbe consultations of the Commission-era with a view of taking the work out of bta bands roq account of hit tardiness when hewould beg mors' lime simplyjte sgslivtorenk bta promlaea -The fallow pat In sn's'ppearanCe again the flist port of thta wtok with a trumped np Mil for demanding an aggregate of $3844 75 and before --4fae Comiflisstonen -bad fully roaHud jt wm etalmpressBtod to food faith they wen Mfyed with tagal notice that Murphy intended to apply to tha DiUrtet Court of Cuyahoga eountyij on the flrn dpy otthe next term fon writof mandamus to tasuo against timifi' oom-manding-theBLMttokssetion on ho claim I The claim prfsenled for Wltowanoe -by Morphy Is foundod wholly on Musier swell-head aud an Idu that the Cemmte-riMgmtof this mnr are set of fool The Mud should faavp had aomo of hta cenoeit taken out of Inq by being politely kleked out of the Cemmtastoner'a ioffleta Hereto a Ust of his trampedjp ttaxtrosi" -Excavating i 'v 78 Masonry ia-aMteneutiv 406 80 Timber forjoondation In ptor 79 80 Mssoury in plor 881 00 Money aud time hunting dndge 888 00 Uh sf dredge 810 00 Dejuagu for delaying 800 00 Extra pitoein pier v- 3 -80 00 Flftryards dirt a0 00 Margin 8 raft around face stone US-00 BUrglll anut hiuuin iwh wmhnsj sov Balance ob original eoutnetAlS? Q0 If the Clevabuid JtidfsS should Issos mandamus toAommandtho County Oom-aiisatonorc to toke offioial aettou od jtich (KitrageouhUVIi vronldbe becaiue they' dldnlrajeet it forthwith on ito)Mueatatbm totiMm Therols aelhing legal aay of Mrhiblp loalng Uiloits InVeca" quantities of spring and snmmer -clothing waa rohaiyedthta week at lleaael-bart A Cota and their customers ara ro-ccivirigsplaadld bargains fishermen aft busily driving stakes arranging twine fir nsta preparatory to Spring flailing They do not expect a very large catchAhts coming aeaaon owing to the loo open Winter Papb haa returned from a somewhat extended visit to Philadelphia Where he has been visiting friends and attending a course of medical lectures The Jolly doctor ta looking quite well and bta pollen ta wil be pleased to hear of hta retarni Messrs Webrta Work A Bon of Mid- die Boas bland' do not seem to lie satisfied with a cellar of 800000 gallons capacity bbt an going to build a aeeondj lo bold an additional 180000 gallons This will fclve tjiem tha largest cellar capacity "of rany compsoy In tlio-wine-growing -regions of 01iO If hot in tlio world Tuesday lust Judge Wstaon sen-tsnoed Benjamin ltubjnsun who waa found guilty In-nlie Erie Congmon' Pleas Court of shooting Georgs Ballard- to five yean -ifapriaonmcnt In the ponlteutiary An hour after the sentence wS passed upon Mm Robinson waa iflarrtan In Jail to Mias Elite Coon by the liev A Knapp of Sendiuky Weflud the following In a special from Culumbua to the Cleveland llenrid of yes terday morning Senate passed a bill this morUlug which will jaflect a number of Cleveland genlteinea who own Ral-lai bland Tha meainra provides for the erection of a special achool district in Putin Bay township Ottawa county and includes a number of 'talAidr among which is Ballast bland Toledo and Lake Erie Boating and fishing Association kave completed the pnrcbaaeVfReliburgtaGrove on- Middle Baas blaud for (be turn of $3000 and arearranging iq put it in shape fur their purpoee thta spring Their Clnb-Houae op the taland ta also to be' enlarged by the addition of new sleeping appartmenta and Ihi whole will under 'charge of Rutherford npm the iiune terms as last year Harris Ueeasaa The following ta is list of licenses to marry Issued by the Probate Cojnrt during the month of Febfuaryi -Frank Eloddlck -and Roaa Schumacher John Sherman and Mthna tiilson Nelaon and Minnie Carewecknr Michael Kelly ahd Sophia Perry? Joaepli Lewis and Mara Rhane1 Fredenck'Albera aud Minna Gnnts Henry tbyde and Meta Bulle -James Rodgers and babella Courphalne Albert Neliile and llary Borg -E Goody and Jennie Gill John Ohio and Hannah Ai Morgan David A Pence 'end Amalia Flokbeiner Jacob Uicaer andBophrona Ellsworth-: Wm Basiaerajid Harriet A Phot AisbrlslMMSl hr MIm Kllsa Wright Mtaa Ellen Wright hu been engaged by the liidles of the Eptaoqpol Soclety tq give an entcftiiiument for tlie-beneflt of their church at Turner nail Wednesday even- lug March 17th Mlaa Wright ta from Boston and enjoys' in that learned aad vlllt ti a si polished city a reputation for uperior tal-ent aa a eputributor to tha amuaemnht of Ibe publlor-The eniartaifameo twill oon slat of rrdtations -impersonations and ebaractar dellpealiou Miss Wright gave' an entertainment In tiita place several veeka ago to a snudl (hit well pleased audience sn its repetition- with an entire change of ta owing to their hearty appreciation of her arttalio abfiUy The laa Xsirfcrf fipd the following in tho Sanduaky Regtater: toe men have given up all hope of securing a crop even for local use The present price for old tod onboard the cars is (opr dollars Cue dealer adnt car load fourteen and a half tons (o' Lexington Kentucky on Monday the price agreedon being four dollsia a ton hero The freight on the ear to Laxingjimwsa The toe therefore coats Lexington dealer fraction orer eht fiollus ton delivered The tose on tills car'll tbtaaeaMn pf the ysarhetwemi heretnd LeklfigtonSBannot be leaa than oDe tob and may he men If tbecar to not pushed through without delay The kupply of toe how on hand is good for five dollars a ten hero the firat of MsylandAehtara should' stick 'to that price unlem wa havaunpracedemtadly cold weather thta month Eleven yean ago this month 16th to 18th tos Marly five InchM in thtckneaa wag harvested hers by a Iopol dealer It wee thp beet we had tut season- but'i wgs not Valuable fur BhlpiflnE" 1 Mn" Jonor Muhuo PoynerIawa na the foUoping oommuntoation: I havo beeh shibror with Rheumatism if or the last six ymrs I tried totaof medi einas withaut1 day the store InWa sayAUOQBSs-' Vtalling one mo non of jfasars Wanglef Brosy fsterloo tows these gentlemen induced me to try 4ha St Jacom Oil tellldg ms that it had a noord a very sfikotiyo iqmedy I hoojt a bottle usmTIt regu- 1- mar ouhtoh Qalag Beat flolagWaat 5 a pm a aa 100 10 UCABKB Local Ft 5oagT a 0 1 Ham too pm Qalag Waat aaaa name'B a ISam an aaaaon 6olag BaatTT I 0 41 pi Oolag Wmt I 8 57 a i I- BIT am 505 pal Waat BL Lwja Bxpraaa 4 Bpm bocbt atoai tzt Qalag Waat SMpml 10 a ml arn I pm i aae-rrewa -doing Raat I Oolag Raat I BB I Oolag Waat I tl a i BIB am 4 OB pm Mina QelaotaaL Oolag Waat 14pm I TIB am 41 a WLLBUBT OolBfRart I 8 Mam I TSOp i QolagWaat llOOPamj 507 pi (Trauif 23" Sfi-H 5am I 7 II pm I 11 OBam Qalag Waat I 8 01 pm T4Bam 1 pm OAKBUBT PLR aeeam Oolag BaaL I BO arm I Oolag Waat BB Jf jpaa 11 Warn bbiiv mmox- Will build a City Hall --Manh camo in like a littio lion ia head-qutrton for boata and ThqtobMnB tro begiolng pipe in the tiecB and on tlie commods hen fruit io becoming plenty apples are growing ocarce people on tho taland and peninsula hhTB hommencod 'trimming grape Tinea' Immenie quantities of hllrrad timber is being got out in this coUnty atpireaent and Summer Ready-made Clothing received this week at Heseelbart 1 year from yesterday another President of the United States ta to' be in-auEuratrd Tillage council win meet next Tuesday evenlug'for the purpoee of making their BunddFeettlemenL Railway -men report that passenger trailleta greater now than baa ever been known af (Mb season of tha year 4 X4tia said hj those Who ought to knoW that there In thta Tidnlty every prospect pf ao abundant fruit crop Jhis years Reaaelbart A Os this week received aq extensive stock pf Spring and Bummer dothlnglpalf and examine thp new goods -John loan one of Raton's Hivepopnlar salesmen of Toledo was visiting -his old friends In this vidnity'thta week MrscEnoe Kent aged fifty-two year and for the past three years a resident of Genoai'died at bdr realdence in that vil-lageFeb 19th 1 a Portage township school fisheries tain he rented to tho highest bidder for the term of tfupe years next Saturday at one o'clock pi at the town hall --Mr RmdlThornUm of Fenysbnrg andlfraaien Pdngbonnofi Grand tfap-Id lilch1can arothla waak Vlalt(ng their natae Johneon af this place Tfib plohetri of 'the MaiittMT have aaked the government to buy the slta of old Fort Keiga inPerryshnrg and pm Iap toeroct lbeieoa a monumentr tonto fifton par cent on the doltar by buying Ready-made ctothlng of Wi Bellinis' JL full 'supply of Spring and8ujnmer Goods Jaft-raoeied The tbo murdr trial at Fre- Bmt xujbiily obtained yaatorday morning OdMlbklngof evidenosOommancadtoo -purpose alpek of millinery goodr She will lArobo My'YSJve'Ver goods Uta by the first of nextwebk''-i'- --l---' -(- ffirty hour devotwnal service at the OatboUa Church at this place during tha flmt part of thU week hiu ean wail altanded by tha worshippers of that ohurdh in thta neighborhood- Bsedlcal friend informs us tbat tharb area few caaaa of soarlet ieverineaajta aad whooping' eengh in this riclnUy-lCta forpaiteU'toknbwthtaBOthey may nso dnodoanUM- wnhllheiFtiliUdren t-A dqrmsjpioiidsBt to its Eloiors Tribune says tx-SharUT Bo wladd -talks pf soiling Ms hardwum store in Genoi'Atao that SU1 of Gsnon is reported to Harbw pctfiectp aecnrbc the Wheeling Lake Erfe ta mtaim taqultagoodthe Tdnldbe'af heufity -JnWaiwiliheonsWiMiH trict Codtt Judges at tiM tara coameocing on the RMhlnsL in thedty of Clevelasd The Ottawa platelet Court April $8th find will probably presided pvsr hj CtovstafidJndges QLtTttHriBBI LOMIlaHLr A Stated Commaaleatbna Brat and nvfWadhaadayaetaaehpoath OJTRUB VPYO BTPB A COUBCHAIKE MT Utt PBBUG BUL BT1T1 Mm apoitjr 6ibcisrtf 02sr of aaarp daaeilpttoa TlmhartaadaTowa amaut of -wood aad I -y-- Lt I 1 'I tyJ! -sk ja r'isL- fi'Wh TVYB aad sails Baal Brtali Jpoaeammlmloararma BAa Balldla- waptwrad ba Star Xadbaa BaHdlaBte Aay you advaatac ta eoiiaali la Olartrt latolo glyo Any of tt tp onr 'readers this A Bra iAthhm Started eaat yratef-Uromtm Btaek' ever day for the of purchasing a new wauetlonlffade July 1 1878 and ji' an ad- MBAS aI tmaa asaia Aaail ass IAa ok'oiim vanoe of ten per Cent on the amount heretofore paid them The Lake Shore men ere the flratof thiffhip roads who met with thlf good fortune i Joaaph Klnghara'i eldest child Gractaj died Sunday of membradon erpnp aimd six elevan moptha and twenty-alx days She was a child of rare beauty and highly gijjsd and JAe nfilleted -parents jiave tho iympathy of thohom-mn'nity The fnnenu aervicea waa held at the Cborch at this ptaoe on Tuesday laat and tha rematoa Vera then takm to the La Carpe Cemetnry in Erie town-ahipj the ofil family burial ground for in-tarunenL Wlna Company of Toledo have lacraaaed tbeiir facilities so they ban now manufacture 100000 gallons of wins per year and atlirthey are nnabls to supply alljUtalr orders During tho season of pressing last-ftil thsy 'sttpleyed seventy- live mensnd paidbqt nearly $100000 for' grapeo-tha amount preesed being 1R00 tons They encourage the farmers on tha psniuauia to engage' in the ihdnstey'oC gsowing'gnpasand promise to afford them' anahundantmarket at reaaouabla figures 'S s- 'S1 1 HaoryHabbelerXbqof TuacOmbia -Alabama who ha' baen visl ting ta old friendsIn thta'cennty started for home on Monday 'foei accompanied hy Mrs Cfhofi of willmga who goes' to pay Mr HabbelerV family MAH has Invested some $18000 in fnew Inveaj-Uohlealledthe Clemenf attachment whloh ta cennfoted with ja gfn wllh a spindta hy means of (rding cylinden' and by this means eottan ia ginned carded and apiinbj one oparstfon brserigs of eperattoas'Tbe maehlnery Mr haS purcbaaed wfiTnA oWfr a thoosand splndtaeand be ekpaets to agage In tha cotton manrifactn ring in-' dnatry on anpxtanlTroale had a large 1 line of ladies front TSOMAS McOTOE DENTIST Of PiMt ClIatoa ta NHtyppar aata iff WILLIS HOUSE -Y5B01Ydaalrtng board by i iarlOd to ilTa the WulbH maad board wlthpiaaaaat roam H00 per braMabHeaBts' 1 til'pMDCUP- BnaUBTPAU Bacoad" iJC Baat of tha bind Hoaaa lr tha qalataat promptly am bad AunaaXkMacKhwpV Naiaibtawad hKtdooroXdrdbW' maaa aa draaght WbnaWHag thaatltagaidTC' hag Ant rrv-- rAXTXAXT AXQ BiXUXAXO LOOXl (SSW1 '-yff-'tV'' i 'V fc III -J 11 I a 1 it 1-I 1 1 4 4 A- 1 I 7 't A 7 TvA -Anita A IttQtai ir.

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.